Chapter History

On January 1, 1983 the Portland Chapter was chartered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) with 29 charter members. A group of project managers worked throughout 1982 to get the charter approved. Cliff Gray PMP and Rob Breitbarth led the 12 founders of the Chapter. The founders were required to prove to PMI that they were capable of running and sustaining the chapter as an organization.

The early chapter business meetings consisted of about 10 attendees, and the chapter membership grew by getting others involved. Cliff Gray, a professor at Oregon State University, was instrumental in developing the interest and knowledge in the profession. Cliff presented a pre-dinner topic at the monthly meetings free of charge. Read an interview with Cliff in the June 2006 issue of the PMI Portland newsletter for his comments on the chapter's formation.

As of Juun 2018, the Portland Chapter had over 2,100 members, and continues to grow thanks to the foresight and hard work of a group of volunteers.

Founding Members

Rob Breitbarth (President)     
Norm Acker (VP Programs)
Dennis Strong (VP Membership)       
Cliff Gray
Kris Espenas  
Chuck Liebert (Secretary)
Claude Nave  
Tom Murphy
Michael Ponder (Treasurer)   
Jean Russell
Roland Sandstrom      
Joel Wesselman

Charter Members

Rob Breitbarth (President)     
Dennis Strong (VP Membership)
Cliff Gray       
Kris Espenas
Chuck Liebert (Secretary)      
Paul Chappel
Norm Acker (VP Programs)   
Claude Nave
Tom Murphy   
Michael Ponder (Treasurer)
Jean Russell   
Roland Sandstrom
Joel Wesselman         
Dave Coffey
Darrel Covert 
Burt Ebaugh
Bill Fleming   
Steve Harris
Susan King     
Ted Kyle
Don Oakley    
Thomas Peekema
Kent Pothast   
Doug Rein
David Rogge  
Woodrow Trostel
Joan Van Munster       
Edward Wundram
Don Zocchi     

Past Presidents

2022-2032       Ken Loewen, PMP
2021-2022       Rochelle Petty, MBA, PMP, SPHR
2020-2021       Ric Ferrin, PMP
2019-2020       Penelope Luedtke, PMP
2018-2019       Titu Hariharan, PMP, CSM
2017-2018       Stephen Wilks, PMP
2016-2017       Jimmy Godard, PMP
2015-2016       Saby Waraich, PMP
2014-2015       Robert Bondaruk
2013-2014       Diane Brady, PMP, CSM, PMI-ACP
2012-2013       Alan John
2010-2012       Steve Thornton
2010                Joseph Marietta, PMP
2009-2010       Rachel Paulson, PMP
2008-2009       Dianne Johnson, PMP
2007-2008       George Walker, PMP
2006-2007       Cynthia Miller, PMP
2005-2006       Alan D Strong, PE PMP
2004-2005       Connie Plowman, PMP
2003-2004       Lee Hall, PMP
2002-2003       Jake McMichael, PMP
2001-2002       Keith Spande, PMP
2000                Larry Oliver, PMP
1999                Chuck White, PMP
1997-1998       Noel Hutson, PMP
1996                David Shirley, PMP
1995                Rodger Clawson, PMP
1994                Edward Arthur, PMP
1993                Carl Petterson, PMP
1991-1992       Don Adamski, PMP
1989-1991       Jeff Busch, PMP
1988-1989       Lisa Bartholomew Strader
1987-1988       Lisa Bartholomew
1985                Gerald NLN
1983                Robert Breitbarth

Chapter Fellows

2007 Alan Strong (Converted from Trustee)
2008 Jake McMichael
2009 Connie Plowman

2011 Dianne Johnson


PMI Offices held by Portland Chapter members

Rodger Clawson, PMP, Division Regional Advocate for Region 1 (1998-2002)
Rodger Clawson, PMI Ethics Review Committee (2000-2002)
Herb Doumitt, PMP, Vice-Chair, Financial Services SIG, August 1998 to present
Herb Doumitt, Project Manager, PMI-ASC Outsourcing Project 2001-2002 (Association of PMI SIG Chairs)
Rodger Clawson, Founding Officer of the Financial Services Chair
Rodger Clawson, SIG Chair, Financial Services SIG
Rodger Clawson, SIG Chair, Founder of the Retail SIG
Rodger Clawson, Founder of the Willamette Chapter PMI
Rodger Clawson, Chapter President Willamette Chapter PMI
Connie Plowman, PMP, Region 1 Component Mentor (2006-2007)

Other Chapter Information

PMI Portland Chapter President Don Adamski presented a plan to the Chapter in September 1989 for a PMP review class that was developed to prepare members to pass the March 1990 PMP exam. This plan led to the inaugural PMP Review course offered in late 1989 or early 1990. The class has been continuously improved and has been offered each year to the members.