2023 Spring Virtual Symposium

You are invited to this year's Spring Conference, with the theme SOAR: Strategize for Success, Optimize Resources, Agile in Transformation, R3 (Regroup, Rest & Re-Engage). Join us, as we gather with the best in the profession to expand your knowledge, make connections, and elevate each other.

PMI Portland 2023 Spring Virtual Symposium

May 19th, 2023  9am-2pm Pacific

Registration will close at the end of the day May 17th.

More details coming soon!

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It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Annual Conference

Date: May 19th, 2023

Hour: 9:00AM to 2:00PM

Registration close date: May 17th, 2023 at 12:00AM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: $100.00

Members: $100.00

Non members and Guests: $100.00

